October 18, 2024

Rock Metal Groupโ€™s thirty million tons per annum processing and heavy fuel oil power plant commissioned by the Vice President Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh

April 11, 2024
1Min Read

The plant, if completed according to the Vice President, will double the production of the companyโ€™s iron ore and increase revenue generation for the country.


Vice President Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh has commissioned the Leone Rock Metal Group’s thirty million tons per annum processing and heavy fuel oil power plant which is a Five Hundred Million dollar investment.

The plant, if completed according to the Vice President, will double the production of the company’s iron ore and increase revenue generation for the country.

The Paramount Chief of Dansogoia Chiefdom PC Abubakarr Koroma, said they were pleased with the company’s continued expansion, especially in establishing new plants and assured of their commitment to supporting the operation of the company in their communities.

Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources, Julius Mattai, said the decision to award the mining contract to Leone Rock Metal Group was not a mistake adding that they will ensure opportunities were created for young people to acquire training that would gain them employment in the mining sector.

The President of Leone Rock Metal Group Colin Ding said in less than a year they were almost completing the ten million tons per annum plant and they had the desire to build a steel and  recycling plant that would make Sierra Leone export products to other countries.

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