October 18, 2024

Seven Candidates Declared Fit to Run for Kholifa Mabang Chiefdom Paramount Chieftaincy

The seven Candidates were declared eligible after the Tribal Authorities of Khol...

October 14, 2024
2Min Reads
Labour Minister Appeals for Urgent Support for Sierra Leonean Migrants Stranded in Lebanon

Minister Swaray appealed to member states of the Global Compact for Migration, a...

October 14, 2024
2Min Reads
Ten Candidates Battle for Mayepoh Chiefdom Paramount Chieftaincy

By law, one is only allowed to contest for a Paramount Chieftaincy elections aft...

October 07, 2024
1Min Read
Yoni Excellent Awards (YEA) Set To Celebrate People Who Have Contributed to the Development of Yoni Chiefdom

The event, scheduled to be held at the G-Complex Entertainment venue, will not o...

October 07, 2024
2Min Reads

In the past couple of days or weeks, Government of Sierra Leone and some other p...

October 07, 2024
5Min Reads
2026 Diversity Visa Lottery Now Open for Sierra Leoneans

To be eligible for the 2026 Diversity Visa Lottery, applicants must meet two bas...

October 04, 2024
1Min Read
Bringing Leone Rock Closer to the People -  Ansu Momoh is Changing the Narrative at Tonkolili Mines

In Tonkolili District and across Sierra Leone, Leone Rock has embarked on a plet...

October 04, 2024
3Min Reads
Mile 91 Goes Days Without Orange Network, Residents Left Devastated

The ugly development started past Thursday on to the time of writing this news a...

September 30, 2024
2Min Reads
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