October 18, 2024

Political Propaganda and its Effects in the Bio Led Government

August 12, 2024
1Min Read

This is not only factually incorrect but ridiculously misleading to a populace whose daily or monthly earnings can not cover their transport faire, not to mention meeting their basic needs.

By: Abass Sesay

Political Rhetorics by the presidency is the highest form of deception in the country.

The speech in the State Opening of the 6th Parliament by President Bio is so bulky that I couldn't go through all of it line by line. I read a few paragraphs, and I came across where he emphatically states that inflation rates in the country have dwindled 23% from 55%. If I could interpret this data to the layman or woman understanding, it indicates that Sierra Leone's inflation rate is now 32%.

This is not only factually incorrect but ridiculously misleading to a populace whose daily or monthly earnings can not cover their transport faire, not to mention meeting their basic needs.

When inflation rates drop, it reflects on the prices of basic goods and services.

If the claim of Pres. Bio is true, why are the prices of a bag of: rice, flour, sugar, vegetable oil, and sort like are still around NLe 1,000 and above.

Even EDSA service, which is partially state owned, is colosally expensive!

I used to say that issues around the economy are like pure and applied sciences, which require empirical research or experiment to produce tangible evidence or result.

When figures or data are fabricated to paint vague pictures of the country's economy - market or economic determiners like inflation, unemployment, etc. would expose your governance failures.

Propaganda doesn't work in governance. The best time it works is at the peak of election campaigns. The continuous use of propaganda machines after this period, they produce toxic fume with a pungent odour that poisons citizens.

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